Monday, August 30, 2010
Summer Vacation - Over
Summer Vacation - Part Three

Summer Vacation- Part Two
Ashlie became our family's first burn victim
(she was frying scones with grandma and pulled the hot oil pan on top of herself - ended up with this 2nd degree burn on her leg and burns on all fingers of her left hand)
Grandpa, Chris and the boy built a go-cart completely out of wood.
I slept the entire week (recoving from surgery number 3) and read two books, in their entirety, that had nothing to do with science or school.
Summer Vacation - Part One
We spent an afternoon at Herriman Lake (don't know the real name), digging in the sand and splashing in the COLD water with our favorite people, Keller and Macy
Cameron honed his digging skills
Thursday, August 26, 2010
The oh, so grown up 9th Grader (where did the time go???)
Two crazy 2nd graders (Cam and buddy Mitch - we couldn't find Keller!!)
This is the baby - a big 2nd Grader!! I can't stand the thought . . .
Monday, August 23, 2010
Anyway, back to that emotional cliff -
I was shoved off the edge of my cliff on Saturday. Not pushed, shoved. Hard. Can't eat, can't sleep, you know how it goes. Or maybe you don't (which is good if you don't).
I think I might still be falling - oh, wait. School starts again on Wednesday. I'm taking physiology and microbiology. Wanted to adjust my schedule, change it up, but all the classes are full. I just have to suck it up and stick with my current chaotic schedule. Yup, just found the bottom. Now there is nowhere to go but up. I know, I know, I signed up for this torture. And I am trying to make the best of it, really, I am. I didn't realize it would be this hard. But if it were easy, there would be no satisfaction in completing it, right? At least I don't have to repeat Chemistry!
Friday, August 6, 2010
Who Knew
I just might survive this school thing after all.
To my dear husband, the voice of reason:
Next time I have any more of my "brilliant" ideas, please, please stop me!!
Thursday, August 5, 2010
YEAH, SUMMER (all 3 weeks I have left until school starts again) CAN BEGIN!!